"Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change." - El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz / Malcolm X.
"De manière générale, lorsque les gens sont tristes, ils ne font rien. Ils se contentent de pleurer sur leur condition. Mais lorsqu'ils sont en colère, c'est là, qu'ils portent le changement."
- El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz / Malcolm X.
That's ridiculous ! They can't "copy" the palestinian symbol, just like that ?!...
anyway !
They did so much worst than that, like the Wall, or stealing palestinian organs over dead bodies, killing pacifist women with a bulldozer, and so on, and so on...
That's ridiculous ! They can't "copy" the palestinian symbol, just like that ?!...
anyway !
They did so much worst than that, like the Wall, or stealing palestinian organs over dead bodies, killing pacifist women with a bulldozer, and so on, and so on...
Who's the "terrorist" ? o_0
Quelle honte ils savent plus quoi inventer ces pourritures de sioniophates
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