"Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change." - El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz / Malcolm X. "De manière générale, lorsque les gens sont tristes, ils ne font rien. Ils se contentent de pleurer sur leur condition. Mais lorsqu'ils sont en colère, c'est là, qu'ils portent le changement." - El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz / Malcolm X.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Gaza 2010. Exhibition in Paris' Modern Art Museum / Kai Wiedenhöfer.
Expostion Gaza au Musée d'Art Moderne (attaqué par la LDJ)
envoyé par Ali-Fredo. - L'info video en direct.
Lettre à Brice Hortefeux - attaque de la LDJ au Musée d’Art Moderne à Paris
publié le mardi 23 novembre 2010
Jean-Claude LEFORT
Publié le 21-11-2010
Appliquant le mot d’ordre lancé par le CRIF, une trentaine de voyous dont certains (mais pas tous) encagoulés et munis de casques de moto ont attaqué dimanche en début d’après-midi le Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris (11 Avenue Wilson, 7016 – Paris – M° Iéna ou Alma-Marceau, ligne 9), pour tenter de détruire une exposition photographique consacrée aux massacres d’Israël de décembre 2008 – janvier 2009 dans la bande de Gaza.
Les voyous ont tenté d’atteindre la galerie d’exposition au sous-sol du musée pour saccager le travail du photographe Kai Wiedenhöfer. Sans succès : l’accès leur a été barré par le service de sécurité du musée.
Ils ont alors perturbé l’entrée des visiteurs en scandant des slogans hostiles à la direction du Musée d’Art Moderne et apposé des autocollants sur lesquels on pouvait lire : « Antisionisme=Antisémitisme politique //A bas l’antisémitisme d’où qu’il vienne //Le palestinisme actif, c’est l’activisme antijuif//Stop au palestinisme antijuif ».
Les émules des nazis n’ont évidemment pas craint, dans leur assaut, de tenter de saccager les multiples œuvres exposées aux côtés des photographies de Gaza dans l’enceinte du Musée d’Art Moderne (MAM), à savoir les toiles de Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Amadeo Modigliani, Marc Chagall ou Henri Matisse.
Pas plus qu’ils ne se souciaient, quand ils attaquaient la librairie Résistances à Paris en juillet 2009, de savoir si les livres qu’ils détruisaient avaient pour auteurs Mahmoud Darwish ou Primo Levi.
Et nous mettons en cause le CRIF, vitrine « présentable » du lobby israélien en France, et non pas la seule « Ligue de Défense Juive », dont on ne savait pas encore, dimanche soir, si elle revendiquerait l’attentat contre le Musée. Car c’est le CRIF lui-même qui a donné le signal la semaine dernière, en appelant à la suppression de l’exposition, comme on peut le lire sur le site de cette officine :
http://www.crif.org/index.php ?page=articles_display/detail&aid=22403&artyd=9
Hommage au martyre du peuple de Gaza, l’exposition de Kai Wiedenhöfer connait depuis son ouverture le 5 novembre un succès mérité, dont a rendu compte la chaîne France 3 dans un de ses reportages : http://culturebox.france3.fr/all/29623/gaza-2010-regards-sur-une-terre-meurtrie-par-kai-wiedenhoder#/all/29623/gaza-2010-regards-sur-une-terre-meurtrie- par-kai-wiedenhofer
Dimanche matin encore, quelques heures avant l’assaut des voyous, un public nombreux, attentif et recueilli, se pressait dans la salle où sont exposées les terribles photos.
C’est pourquoi nous appelons tous les lecteurs de notre site, et au-delà, à visiter, dès mardi 23 novembre à 10 heures l’exposition « Gaza 2010 », 11 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 – Paris (M° Iéna ou Alma-Marceau, ligne 9).
Nous vous invitons également à téléphoner au directeur du MAM, M. Herrgott, au 01 53 67 40 00, pour lui dire qu’il en va de sa dignité de résister au terrorisme, et de maintenir les conditions normales d’accueil à l’exposition Gaza, soit du mardi au vendredi, de 10 heures à 18 heures.
Note : en raison de la présence d’une exposition spéciale, l’accès aux collections permanentes (et à l’exposition Gaza) se fait sur le côté du Musée, en passant dans la cafeteria.
M. Brice Hortefeux
Ministre de l’Intérieur
Place Beauvau
75008 Paris
Monsieur le Ministre,
La « Ligue de défense juive » (LDJ) vient de se livrer à nouveau, ce dimanche, à des actes de pure violence extrême contre, cette fois, le Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris qui accueille une exposition du grand photographe Kai Wiedenhöfer.
Cette exposition résulte d’un séjour et d’un travail de trois mois, sur place, du célèbre photographe après les tragiques événements de Gaza. Elle donne à voir des aspects effroyables – aussi bien humains que matériels – de l’offensive israélienne qui s’est abattue contre les populations de cette bande de terre palestinienne durant l’hiver 2008/2009.
Ce reportage, a été récompensé par de nombreux Prix internationaux. Ces distinctions n’ont pas empêché le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF) de manifester, le 15 novembre dernier, son « indignation » contre ce qu’il qualifiait d’« acte de militantisme politique que ne devrait pas accepter le Musée d’art moderne de Paris, qui est sous la responsabilité de la ville de Paris ».
Coïncidence ? Six jours après cette attaque contre la liberté de création et d’expression, une bande de voyous se réclamant de la LDJ, encagoulés pour certains, a voulu détruire cette exposition, au risque d’endommager les œuvres de Picasso et de Matisse accrochées à proximité.
Les vigiles du Palais de Tokyo ont fort heureusement réussi à s’interposer, mais le musée a été fermé et l’accès à l’exposition également. Ce n’est pas acceptable.
Ce n’est pas la première fois que la LDJ mène ce type d’opération commando destructeur et aveugle mettant en cause des œuvres d’art notamment.
Et ce n’est pas la première fois que nous signalons que ce groupe extrémiste a été dissous, en raison de ses actes extrémistes violents d’un autre âge, aussi bien en Israël qu’aux Etats-Unis.
Faut-il vous rappeler que, le 7 avril 2002, l’un de ces voyous, qui se livraient à une « ratonnade », avait grièvement blessé d’un coup de poignard un commissaire de police ? Des complicités lui avaient permis de se réfugier en Israël. Là-bas, cinq ans plus tard, le même homme avait tué un père de famille palestinien de 35 ans de vingt-quatre coups de couteau…
Monsieur le Ministre,
Compte tenu de ce qui vient de se passer au Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris nous vous demandons instamment :
1) D’assurer, par une présence policière adaptée, la protection de cette exposition qui doit se poursuivre en toute tranquillité. Rien ne serait pire que de céder à l’intimidation violente de la LDJ.
2) De diligenter une enquête sur les conditions dans lesquelles, après le communiqué du CRIF, ces individus, faute de pouvoir obtenir l’interdiction de cette exposition, ont cru pouvoir l’interdire eux-mêmes. Ils doivent être sanctionnés fermement par la justice de notre pays. Ces malfrats de la politique nuisent évidemment à la communauté dont ils se réclament et dont ils ternissent terriblement l’image. Votre collègue Michèle Alliot-Marie, lorsqu’elle était ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux, a demandé incroyablement aux Parquets de poursuivre des militants pourtant pacifistes et antiracistes pour « provocation publique à la discrimination ». Si les nervis, violents et racistes, de la LDJ n’étaient pas poursuivis, votre gouvernement tout entier serait légitiment soupçonné de pratiquer au minimum un intolérable « deux poids deux mesures ».
3) De décider, au vu de l’ensemble des « actions radicales » menées systématiquement par ce groupuscule, de dissoudre la LDJ, qui, depuis longtemps, ne devrait pas avoir pignon sur rue dans notre pays. Il est temps, plus que temps, que cette décision s’impose.
Dans l’attente de décisions rapides de votre part,
Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Ministre, à l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
Jean-Claude Lefort
Député honoraire
Président de l’AFPS
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
This is France
French Policemen brutalizing women (one of them pregnant) and children :
Evacuation de familles sans logement à la Courneuve
envoyé par Mediapart. - Regardez les dernières vidéos d'actu.
Evacuation de familles sans logement à la Courneuve
envoyé par Mediapart. - Regardez les dernières vidéos d'actu.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
"Mohamed Larbi Ben M'hidi", de Yacine Amine
"Yacine Amine a 61 ans. Il a longtemps travaillé dans l'Administration algérienne. Il a enseigné de 1966 à 1970. Ensuite, il est entré dans le service des Domaines (qui s'occupe des biens de l'Etat). En tout, il a passé près de 34 ans dans l'Administration. Il est marié et père de 3 enfants. Actuellement il est à la retraite, après une carrière bien remplie, au sens propre comme au sens figuré."
Je vous conseille son livre sur Mohamed Larbi Ben M'hidi, que vous pouvez commander ici. Et puis, pourquoi pas faire un petit tour par Alger ?

Mohamed Larbi Ben M'hidi : Prophétique ?
"Vous parlez de la France de Dunkerque à Tamanrasset, je vous prédis l'Algérie de Tamanrasset à Dunkerque. Vous voulez l'Algérie française et moi je vous annonce la France algérienne."
« Je préfère mourir avant l’indépendance pour ne pas assister à vos déchirements pour le pouvoir ! »
Je vous conseille son livre sur Mohamed Larbi Ben M'hidi, que vous pouvez commander ici. Et puis, pourquoi pas faire un petit tour par Alger ?

Mohamed Larbi Ben M'hidi : Prophétique ?
"Vous parlez de la France de Dunkerque à Tamanrasset, je vous prédis l'Algérie de Tamanrasset à Dunkerque. Vous voulez l'Algérie française et moi je vous annonce la France algérienne."
« Je préfère mourir avant l’indépendance pour ne pas assister à vos déchirements pour le pouvoir ! »
Photo: A Palestinian woman whose house has been occupied by Jewish settlers faces Israelis who came to celebrate Jerusalem Day in the mainly Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, occupied East Jerusalem (Ahmad Gharabli/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images). Source, WSJ via Mondoweiss.
El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz / Malcolm X

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."
"We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us."
"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today."
"My alma mater was books, a good library... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity."
"Stumbling is not falling."
"There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time."
"They put your mind right in a bag, and take it wherever they want."
"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us."
"Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks."
"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself."
"I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action."
"If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary."
"I feel like a man who has been asleep somewhat and under someone else's control. I feel that what I'm thinking and saying is now for myself. Before it was for and by the guidance of Elijah Muhammad. Now I think with my own mind, sir!"
"The thing that you have to understand about those of us in the Black Muslim movement was that all of us believed 100 percent in the divinity of Elijah Muhammad. We believed in him. We actually believed that God, in Detroit by the way, that God had taught him and all of that. I always believed that he believed in himself. And I was shocked when I found out that he himself didn't believe it."
"I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation."
"It is a time for martyrs now, and if I am to be one, it will be for the cause of brotherhood. That's the only thing that can save this country."
-- February 19, 1965 (2 days before he was murdered by Nation of Islam followers)
"Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world."
"...I shall never rest until I have undone the harm I did to so many well-meaning, innocent Negroes who through my own evangelistic zeal now believe in him even more fanatically and more blindly than I did."
-- on those he encouraged to follow Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad
"When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom. Whenever you hear a man saying he wants freedom, but in the next breath he is going to tell you what he won't do to get it, or what he doesn't believe in doing in order to get it, he doesn't believe in freedom. A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire . . . or preserve his freedom."
"You don't have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being."
"Dr. King wants the same thing I want. Freedom."
"I want Dr. King to know that I didn't come to Selma to make his job difficult. I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realize what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King."
-- in a conversation with Mrs. Coretta Scott King.
"I am not a racist. I am against every form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color."
Eyewitness to the Israeli Assault on the Mavi Marmara
Kevin Neish of Victoria, British Columbia, didn’t know he was a celebrity until he was about to board a flight from Istanbul to Ottawa. “This Arab woman wearing a beautiful outfit suddenly ran up to me crying, ‘It’s you! From Arab TV! You’re famous!’” he recalls with a laugh. “I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she told me, ‘I saw you flipping through the Israeli commando’s book! It’s being aired over and over!’”
A soft-spoken teacher and former civilian engineer with the Canadian Department of Defense, Neish realized then that a video taken by an Arab TV cameraman in the midst of the Israeli assault on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza of him flipping through a booklet had been transmitted before the Israelis blocked all electronic signals from the flotilla. The booklet had pictures and profiles of all the passengers, and he’d found it in the backpack of an Israeli Defense Force commando.
Neish, 53, was on the second deck of the flotilla’s lead ship, the Turkish Mavi Marmara, with a good view of the stern, when the IDF, in the early morning darkness of May 31, began its assault with percussion grenades, tear gas and a hail of bullets. He then moved to the fourth deck in an enclosed stairwell, from which he watched took photographs as casualties were carried down past him to a makeshift medical station. Several IDF commandos, captured by the passengers and crew, were also brought past him.
“I saw them carrying this one IDF guy down,” he recalls. “He looked terrified, like he thought he was going to be killed. But when a big Turkish guy, who had seen seriously injured passengers who had been shot by the IDF, charged over and tried to hit the commando, the Turkish aid workers pushed him off and pinned him to the wall. They protected this Israeli soldier.”
That was when he found the backpack which the soldier had dropped. “I figured I’d look inside and see what he was carrying,” Neish says. “And inside was this kind of flip-book. It was full of photos and names in English and Hebrew of who was on all the ships. The booklet also had a detailed diagram of the decks of the Mavi Marmara.”
Meanwhile, he says, more and more people were being carried down the stairs from the mayhem above—people who’d been shot, and people who were dying or people already dead. “I took detailed photos of the dead and wounded with my camera,” he says, adding, “There were several guys who had two neat bullet holes side by side on the side of their head–clearly they were executed.”
Neish smuggled his photos out of Israel to Turkey despite his arrest on the ship and imprisonment in Israel for several days. “I pulled out the memory card, tossed my camera and anything I had on me that had anything to do with electronics, and then kept moving the chip around so it wouldn’t be found,” he says. “The Israelis took all the cameras and computers. They were smashing some and keeping others. I put the chip in my mouth under my tongue, between my butt cheeks, in my sock, everywhere, to keep them from finding it,” he says. He finally handed it to a Turk who was leaving for a flight home on a Turkish airline. He says the card ended up in the hands of an organization called Free Gaza, and he has seen some of his pictures published, so he knows they made it out successfully.
Neish says that claims that the Israeli commandos were just armed with paint guns and 9 mm pistols are “Bullshit–at one point when I was in the stairwell, a commando opened a hatch above, stuck in a machine gun, and started firing. Bullets were bouncing all over the place. If the guy had gotten to look in and see where he was shooting, I’d have been dead, but two Turkish guys in the stairwell, who had short lengths of chain with them that they had taken from the access points to the lifeboats, stood to the side of the hatch and whipped them up at the barrell. I don’t know if they were trying to hit the commando or to use them to snatch away the gun, but the Israeli backed off, and they slammed and locked the hatch.”
“I never saw a single paint gun, or a sign of a fired paint ball!” he says. He also didn’t see any guns in the hands of people who were on the ship. “In the whole time I was there on the ship, I never saw a single weapon in the hands of the crew or the aid workers,” he says. Indeed, Neish, who originally had been on a smaller 70-foot yacht called the Challenger II, had transferred to the Mavi Marmara after a stop in Cyprus, because his boat had been sabatoged by Israeli agents (a claim verified by the Israeli government), making it impossible to steer. “When we came aboard the big boat, I was frisked and my bag was inspected for weapons,” he says. “Being an engineer, I of course had a pocket knife, but they took that and tossed it into the ocean. Nobody was allowed to have any weapons on this voyage. They were very careful about that.”
What he did see during the IDF assault was severe bullet wounds. “In addition to several people I saw who were killed, I saw several dozen wounded people. There was one older guy who was just propped up against the wall with a huge hole in his chest. He died as I was taking his picture.”
Neish says he saw many of the 9 who were known to have been killed, and of the 40 who were wounded, and adds, “There were many more who were wounded, too, but less seriously. In the Israeli prison, I saw people with knife wounds and broken bones. Some were hiding their injuries so they wouldn’t be taken away from the others.” He also says, “Initially there were reports that 16 on the boat had been killed. The medical station said 16. There was a suspicion that some bodies may have been thrown overboard. But what people think now is that the the other seven who are missing, since we’re not hearing from families, may have been Israeli spies.”
Once the Israeli commandos had secured control of the Mavi Marmara, Neish says the ship’s passengers and crew were rounded up, with the men put in one area on deck, and the women put below in another area. The men were told to squat, and had their hands bound with plastic cuffs, which Neish says were pulled so tight that his wrists were cut and his hands swelled up and turned purple (he is still suffering nerve damage from the experience, which his doctor in Canada says he hopes will gradually repair on its own).
“They told us to be quiet,” he says. “But at one point this Turkish imam stood up and started singing a call to prayer. Everybody was dead quiet–even the Israelis. But after about ten seconds, this Israeli officer stomped over through the squatting people, pulled out his pistol and pointed at the guy’s head, yelling ‘Shut up!’ in English. The imam looked at him directly and just kept singing! I thought, Jesus Christ, he’s gonna kill him! Then I thought, well, this is what I’m here for, I guess, so I stood up. The officer wheeled around and pointed his gun at my head. The imam finished his song and sat down, and then I sat down.”
While the commandeered vessels were sailed to the Israeli port of Ashdot, the captives were left without food or water. “All we were given were some chocolate bars that the Israelis pilfered from the ship’s stores,” says Neish. “You had to grovel to get to go to the bathroom, and many people had to just go in their pants.”
Things didn’t get much better once the passengers were transferred to an Israeli prison. He and the other prisoners with him, who hadn’t eaten for more than half a day, were tossed a frozen block of bread and some cucumbers.
On the second day, someone from the Canadian embassy came around, calling out his name. “It turned out he’d been going to every cell looking for me,” says Neish. “My daughter had been frantically telling the Canadian government I was in the flotilla. Even though the Israelis had my name and knew where I was, they weren’t telling the Canadian embassy people. In fact the Canadians–and my daughter–thought I was dead, because people had said I’d been near the initial assault. The good thing is that as they went around calling out for me, they discovered two Arab-born Canadians that they hadn’t known were there.”
“Eventually they got to my cell and I answered them. The embassy official said, ‘You’re Kevin? You’re supposed to be dead.’”
After being held for a few days, there was a rush to move everyone to the Ben Gurion airport for a flight to Turkey. “It turned out that Israeli lawyers had brought our case to the Supreme Court, challenging the legality of our capture on international waters. There was a chance that the court would order the IDF to put us back on our ships and let us go, so the government wanted to get us out of Israel and moot the case. But two guys were hauled off, probably by Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency). So we all said, ‘No. We don’t go unless you bring them back.’”
The two men were returned and were allowed to leave with the rest of the group.
“I honestly never thought the Israelis would board the ship,” says Neish. “I thought we’d get into Gaza. I mean, I went as part of the Free Gaza Movement, and they had made prior attempts, with some getting in, and some getting boarded or rammed, but this time it was a big flotilla. I figured we’d be stopped, and maybe searched. My boat, the Challenger II, only had dignitaries on board including three German MPs, and then Lt. Col. Ann Wright and myself.
At one point in the Israeli prison, all the violence finally got to this man who had witnessed more death and mayhem than many active duty US troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. “I broke down and started crying,” he admits. “This big Turkish guy came over and asked me, ‘What’s wrong?’ I said, ‘Sixteen people died.’”
“He said to me, ‘No, they died for a wonderful cause. They’re happy. You just go out and tell your story.’”
DAVE LINDORFF is a founding member of the new independent collectively-owned, journalist-run online newspaper ThisCantBeHappening.net
Kevin Neish of Victoria, British Columbia, didn’t know he was a celebrity until he was about to board a flight from Istanbul to Ottawa. “This Arab woman wearing a beautiful outfit suddenly ran up to me crying, ‘It’s you! From Arab TV! You’re famous!’” he recalls with a laugh. “I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she told me, ‘I saw you flipping through the Israeli commando’s book! It’s being aired over and over!’”
A soft-spoken teacher and former civilian engineer with the Canadian Department of Defense, Neish realized then that a video taken by an Arab TV cameraman in the midst of the Israeli assault on the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza of him flipping through a booklet had been transmitted before the Israelis blocked all electronic signals from the flotilla. The booklet had pictures and profiles of all the passengers, and he’d found it in the backpack of an Israeli Defense Force commando.
Neish, 53, was on the second deck of the flotilla’s lead ship, the Turkish Mavi Marmara, with a good view of the stern, when the IDF, in the early morning darkness of May 31, began its assault with percussion grenades, tear gas and a hail of bullets. He then moved to the fourth deck in an enclosed stairwell, from which he watched took photographs as casualties were carried down past him to a makeshift medical station. Several IDF commandos, captured by the passengers and crew, were also brought past him.
“I saw them carrying this one IDF guy down,” he recalls. “He looked terrified, like he thought he was going to be killed. But when a big Turkish guy, who had seen seriously injured passengers who had been shot by the IDF, charged over and tried to hit the commando, the Turkish aid workers pushed him off and pinned him to the wall. They protected this Israeli soldier.”
That was when he found the backpack which the soldier had dropped. “I figured I’d look inside and see what he was carrying,” Neish says. “And inside was this kind of flip-book. It was full of photos and names in English and Hebrew of who was on all the ships. The booklet also had a detailed diagram of the decks of the Mavi Marmara.”
Meanwhile, he says, more and more people were being carried down the stairs from the mayhem above—people who’d been shot, and people who were dying or people already dead. “I took detailed photos of the dead and wounded with my camera,” he says, adding, “There were several guys who had two neat bullet holes side by side on the side of their head–clearly they were executed.”
Neish smuggled his photos out of Israel to Turkey despite his arrest on the ship and imprisonment in Israel for several days. “I pulled out the memory card, tossed my camera and anything I had on me that had anything to do with electronics, and then kept moving the chip around so it wouldn’t be found,” he says. “The Israelis took all the cameras and computers. They were smashing some and keeping others. I put the chip in my mouth under my tongue, between my butt cheeks, in my sock, everywhere, to keep them from finding it,” he says. He finally handed it to a Turk who was leaving for a flight home on a Turkish airline. He says the card ended up in the hands of an organization called Free Gaza, and he has seen some of his pictures published, so he knows they made it out successfully.
Neish says that claims that the Israeli commandos were just armed with paint guns and 9 mm pistols are “Bullshit–at one point when I was in the stairwell, a commando opened a hatch above, stuck in a machine gun, and started firing. Bullets were bouncing all over the place. If the guy had gotten to look in and see where he was shooting, I’d have been dead, but two Turkish guys in the stairwell, who had short lengths of chain with them that they had taken from the access points to the lifeboats, stood to the side of the hatch and whipped them up at the barrell. I don’t know if they were trying to hit the commando or to use them to snatch away the gun, but the Israeli backed off, and they slammed and locked the hatch.”
“I never saw a single paint gun, or a sign of a fired paint ball!” he says. He also didn’t see any guns in the hands of people who were on the ship. “In the whole time I was there on the ship, I never saw a single weapon in the hands of the crew or the aid workers,” he says. Indeed, Neish, who originally had been on a smaller 70-foot yacht called the Challenger II, had transferred to the Mavi Marmara after a stop in Cyprus, because his boat had been sabatoged by Israeli agents (a claim verified by the Israeli government), making it impossible to steer. “When we came aboard the big boat, I was frisked and my bag was inspected for weapons,” he says. “Being an engineer, I of course had a pocket knife, but they took that and tossed it into the ocean. Nobody was allowed to have any weapons on this voyage. They were very careful about that.”
What he did see during the IDF assault was severe bullet wounds. “In addition to several people I saw who were killed, I saw several dozen wounded people. There was one older guy who was just propped up against the wall with a huge hole in his chest. He died as I was taking his picture.”
Neish says he saw many of the 9 who were known to have been killed, and of the 40 who were wounded, and adds, “There were many more who were wounded, too, but less seriously. In the Israeli prison, I saw people with knife wounds and broken bones. Some were hiding their injuries so they wouldn’t be taken away from the others.” He also says, “Initially there were reports that 16 on the boat had been killed. The medical station said 16. There was a suspicion that some bodies may have been thrown overboard. But what people think now is that the the other seven who are missing, since we’re not hearing from families, may have been Israeli spies.”
Once the Israeli commandos had secured control of the Mavi Marmara, Neish says the ship’s passengers and crew were rounded up, with the men put in one area on deck, and the women put below in another area. The men were told to squat, and had their hands bound with plastic cuffs, which Neish says were pulled so tight that his wrists were cut and his hands swelled up and turned purple (he is still suffering nerve damage from the experience, which his doctor in Canada says he hopes will gradually repair on its own).
“They told us to be quiet,” he says. “But at one point this Turkish imam stood up and started singing a call to prayer. Everybody was dead quiet–even the Israelis. But after about ten seconds, this Israeli officer stomped over through the squatting people, pulled out his pistol and pointed at the guy’s head, yelling ‘Shut up!’ in English. The imam looked at him directly and just kept singing! I thought, Jesus Christ, he’s gonna kill him! Then I thought, well, this is what I’m here for, I guess, so I stood up. The officer wheeled around and pointed his gun at my head. The imam finished his song and sat down, and then I sat down.”
While the commandeered vessels were sailed to the Israeli port of Ashdot, the captives were left without food or water. “All we were given were some chocolate bars that the Israelis pilfered from the ship’s stores,” says Neish. “You had to grovel to get to go to the bathroom, and many people had to just go in their pants.”
Things didn’t get much better once the passengers were transferred to an Israeli prison. He and the other prisoners with him, who hadn’t eaten for more than half a day, were tossed a frozen block of bread and some cucumbers.
On the second day, someone from the Canadian embassy came around, calling out his name. “It turned out he’d been going to every cell looking for me,” says Neish. “My daughter had been frantically telling the Canadian government I was in the flotilla. Even though the Israelis had my name and knew where I was, they weren’t telling the Canadian embassy people. In fact the Canadians–and my daughter–thought I was dead, because people had said I’d been near the initial assault. The good thing is that as they went around calling out for me, they discovered two Arab-born Canadians that they hadn’t known were there.”
“Eventually they got to my cell and I answered them. The embassy official said, ‘You’re Kevin? You’re supposed to be dead.’”
After being held for a few days, there was a rush to move everyone to the Ben Gurion airport for a flight to Turkey. “It turned out that Israeli lawyers had brought our case to the Supreme Court, challenging the legality of our capture on international waters. There was a chance that the court would order the IDF to put us back on our ships and let us go, so the government wanted to get us out of Israel and moot the case. But two guys were hauled off, probably by Mossad (the Israeli intelligence agency). So we all said, ‘No. We don’t go unless you bring them back.’”
The two men were returned and were allowed to leave with the rest of the group.
“I honestly never thought the Israelis would board the ship,” says Neish. “I thought we’d get into Gaza. I mean, I went as part of the Free Gaza Movement, and they had made prior attempts, with some getting in, and some getting boarded or rammed, but this time it was a big flotilla. I figured we’d be stopped, and maybe searched. My boat, the Challenger II, only had dignitaries on board including three German MPs, and then Lt. Col. Ann Wright and myself.
At one point in the Israeli prison, all the violence finally got to this man who had witnessed more death and mayhem than many active duty US troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. “I broke down and started crying,” he admits. “This big Turkish guy came over and asked me, ‘What’s wrong?’ I said, ‘Sixteen people died.’”
“He said to me, ‘No, they died for a wonderful cause. They’re happy. You just go out and tell your story.’”
DAVE LINDORFF is a founding member of the new independent collectively-owned, journalist-run online newspaper ThisCantBeHappening.net
Libellés :
Freedom Flotilla,
Mavi Marmara,
Respected Thinkers
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange fears for his life

There was an international uproar in April when Wikileaks released classified US military video of a US helicopter crew firing on a group of people in Iraq. (collateralmurder.com)
"The man behind whistleblower website Wikileaks says he is not in a position to record an interview amid claims his life is in danger.
Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of Wikileaks, is said to be under threat with reports that the site has hundreds of thousands of classified cables containing explosive revelations.
There was an international uproar in April when the website released classified US military video which officials had been refusing to make public for three years.
The leaked video showed a US helicopter crew mistaking a camera for a rocket-propelled grenade launcher before firing on a group of people in Iraq.
Mr Assange has also told his supporters he is planning to release a video of a US air strike in Afghanistan that killed many civilians.
The 2007 video of the US army helicopter shooting civilians has already led to a chain of events which reportedly has Mr Assange in hiding.
A hacker blew the whistle on the US army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, who allegedly handed that video to Wikileaks.
Mr Manning is now reported to be in custody in Kuwait.
The hacker says Mr Manning bragged to him about having thousands of diplomatic cables that would embarrass US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and several thousand diplomats around the world.
It has since been reported that American officials are searching for Mr Assange to pressure him not to publish the cables.
But an unnamed source in the Obama administration has told Newsweek that the US government is not trying to convince Mr Assange not to release the cables, but it is trying to contact him.
The World Today has also received an email from Mr Assange which says: "Due to present circumstances, I am not able to easily conduct interviews".
In an email to supporters this week, Mr Assange denies Wikileaks has 260,000 classified US department cables.
But he confirms the website has a video of a US air strike on a village in western Afghanistan in May last year.
The Afghan government said at the time of the attack that 140 civilians died.
Life in danger
Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked Pentagon papers in the 1970s showing government deceit over the Vietnam War, says he believes Mr Assange has reason to keep his whereabouts secret.
"I think it's worth mentioning [that there is] a very new and ominous development in our country," he said.
"I think he would not be safe, even physically, entirely wherever he is.
"We have, after all, for the first time ever perhaps in any democratic country... a president who has announced that he feels he has the right to use special operations operatives against anyone abroad that he thinks is associated with terrorism."
Mr Ellsberg told a US TV network Mr Assange's life may be in danger.
"I was, in fact, the subject of a White House hit squad in November on May 3, 1972," he said.
"A dozen Cuban assets were brought up from Miami with orders, quoting their prosecutor 'to incapacitate Daniel Ellsberg totally' on the steps of the Capitol.
"It so happens when I was in a rally during the Vietnam war and I asked the prosecutor 'what does that mean - kill me?' He said the words were to incapacitate you totally, but you should understand these guys, meaning the CIA operatives, never use the word 'kill'."
Professor Amin Saikal, director of the centre for Arab and Islamic studies at the Australian National University, says the US government has strong motivations for keeping video of the strike under wraps.
"That NATO operation in western Afghanistan caused quite a number of civilian casualties which caused outrage among the Afghan leaders," he said.
"The issue was also raised very strongly in the Afghan parliament.
"I suppose that the American authorities would be very adverse at the release of the video at this point which could cause more problems in the relationship between Afghanistan and Washington."
As far fetched as Mr Ellsberg's claim sounds, the national president of Whistleblowers Australia, Peter Bennett, agrees Mr Assange's life may be at risk.
"There is a lot of money to be made from wars. There is a lot of people who will become very, very wealthy through the course of this Afghan war," he said.
"To stop anybody raising questions about its conduct would put those profits at risk and profit is a high motivation to stop somebody interfering with those profits.
"It is possible that there are vested interests - military, political and certainly economic, possibly even criminal - who would rather him not release that information.
"There is a serious chance that his wellbeing could be at risk. If I was in his shoes, I would be taking all necessary precautions to make sure that my whereabouts and my wellbeing were being protected.""
Libellés :
Human Rights,
Julian Assange,
Respected Thinkers,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Free Salah Hamouri / Libérez Salah Hamouri

Salah Hamouri is a French-Palestinian sociology student held hostage in an Israeli prison since 2005.
Denied the Right to go Home
From: “Ramzi & Zeina”
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:42:14 AM
Subject: Denied the right to go home (text in e-mail)
June 21, 2008
I am Palestinian – born and raised – and my Palestinian roots go back centuries. No one can change that even if they tell me that Jerusalem, my birth place, is not Palestine, even if they tell me that Palestine doesn’t exist, even if they take away all my papers and deny me entry to my own home, even if they humiliate me and take away my rights. I AM PALESTINIAN.
Name: Zeina Emile Sam’an Ashrawi; Date of Birth: July 30, 1981; Ethnicity: Arab. This is what was written on my Jerusalem ID card. An ID card to a Palestinian is much more than just a piece of paper; it is my only legal documented relationship to Palestine. Born in Jerusalem, I was given a Jerusalem ID card (the blue ID), an Israeli Travel Document and a Jordanian Passport stamped Palestinian (I have no legal rights in Jordan). I do not have an Israeli Passport, a Palestinian Passport or an American Passport. Here is my story:
I came to the United States as a 17 year old to finish high school in Pennsylvania and went on to college and graduate school and subsequently got married and we are currently living in Northern Virginia. I have gone home every year at least once to see my parents, my family and my friends and to renew my Travel Document as I was only able to extend its validity once a year from Washington DC. My father and I would stand in line at the Israeli Ministry of Interior in Jerusalem, along with many other Palestinians, from 4:30 in the morning to try our luck at making it through the revolving metal doors of the Ministry before noon – when the Ministry closed its doors - to try and renew the Travel Document. We did that year after year. As a people living under an occupation, being faced with constant humiliation by an occupier was the norm but we did what we had to do to insure our identity was not stolen from us.
In August of 2007 I went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC to try and extend my travel document and get the usual “Returning Resident” VISA that the Israelis issue to Palestinians holding an Israeli Travel Document. After watching a few Americans and others being told that their visas would be ready in a couple of weeks my turn came. I walked up to the bulletproof glass window shielding the lady working behind it and under a massive picture of the Dome of the Rock and the Walls of Jerusalem that hangs on the wall in the Israeli consulate, I handed her my papers through a little slot at the bottom of the window.
“Shalom” she said with a smile. “Hi” I responded, apprehensive and scared. As soon as she saw my Travel Document her demeanor immediately changed. The smile was no longer there and there was very little small talk between us, as usual. After sifting through the paperwork I gave her she said: “where is your American Passport?” I explained to her that I did not have one and that my only Travel Document is the one she has in her hands. She was quiet for a few seconds and then said: “you don’t have an American Passport?” suspicious that I was hiding information from her. “No!” I said. She was quiet for a little longer and then said: “Well, I am not sure we’ll be able to extend your Travel Document.” I felt the blood rushing to my head as this is my only means to get home! I asked her what she meant by that and she went on to tell me that since I had been living in the US and because I had a Green Card they would not extend my Travel Document. After taking a deep breath to try and control my temper I explained to her that a Green Card is not a Passport and I cannot use it to travel outside the US. My voice was shaky and I was getting more and more upset (and a mini shouting match ensued) so I asked her to explain to me what I needed to do. She told me to leave my paperwork and we would see what happens.
A couple of weeks later I received a phone call from the lady telling me that she was able to extended my Travel Document but I would no longer be getting the “Returning Resident” VISA. Instead, I was given a 3 month tourist VISA. Initially I was happy to hear that the Travel Document was extended but then I realized that she said “tourist VISA”. Why am I getting a tourist VISA to go home? Not wanting to argue with her about the 3 month VISA at the time so as not to jeopardize the extension of my Travel Document, I simply put that bit of information on the back burner and went on to explain to her that I wasn’t going home in the next 3 months. She instructed me to come back and apply for another VISA when I did intend on going. She didn’t add much and just told me that it was ready for pick-up. So I went to the Embassy and got my Travel Document and the tourist VISA that was stamped in it.
My husband, my son and I were planning on going home to Palestine this summer. So a month before we were set to leave (July 8, 2008) I went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, papers in hand, to ask for a VISA to go home. I, again, stood in line and watched others get VISAs to go to my home. When my turn came I walked up to the window; “Shalom” she said with a smile on her face, “Hi” I replied. I slipped the paperwork in the little slot under the bulletproof glass and waited for the usual reaction. I told her that I needed a returning resident VISA to go home. She took the paperwork and I gave her a check for the amount she requested and left the Embassy without incident.
A few days ago I got a phone call from Dina at the Israeli Embassy telling me that she needed the expiration date of my Jordanian Passport and my Green Card. I had given them all the paperwork they needed time and time again and I thought it was a good way on their part to waste time so that I didn’t get my VISA in time. Regardless, I called over and over again only to get their voice mail. I left a message with the information they needed but kept called every 10 minutes hoping to speak to someone to make sure that they received the information in an effort to expedite the tedious process. I finally got a hold of someone. I told her that I wanted to make sure they received the information I left on their voice mail and that I wanted to make sure that my paperwork was in order. She said, after consulting with someone in the background (I assume it was Dina), that I needed to fax copies of both my Jordanian Passport and my Green Card and that giving them the information over the phone wasn’t acceptable. So I immediately made copies and faxed them to Dina.
A few hours later my cell phone rang. “Zeina?” she said. “Yes” I replied, knowing exactly who it was and immediately asked her if she received the fax I sent. She said: “ehhh, I was not looking at your file when you called earlier but your Visa was denied and your ID and Travel Document are no longer valid.” “Excuse me?” I said in disbelief. “Sorry, I cannot give you a visa and your ID and Travel Document are no longer valid. This decision came from Israel not from me.”
I cannot describe the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach. “Why?” I asked and Dina went on to tell me that it was because I had a Green Card. I tried to reason with Dina and to explain to her that they could not do that as this is my only means of travel home and that I wanted to see my parents, but to no avail. Dina held her ground and told me that I wouldn’t be given the VISA and then said: “Let the Americans give you a Travel Document”.
I have always been a strong person and not one to show weakness but at that moment I lost all control and started crying while Dina was on the other end of the line holding my only legal documents linking me to my home. I began to plead with her to try and get the VISA and not revoke my documents; “put yourself in my shoes, what would you do? You want to go see your family and someone is telling you that you can’t! What would you do? Forget that you’re Israeli and that I’m Palestinian and think about this for a minute!” “Sorry” she said,”I know but I can’t do anything, the decision came from Israel”. I tried to explain to her over and over again that I could not travel without my Travel Document and that they could not do that – knowing that they could, and they had!
This has been happening to many Palestinians who have a Jerusalem ID card. The Israeli government has been practicing and perfecting the art of ethnic cleansing since 1948 right under the nose of the world and no one has the power or the guts to do anything about it. Where else in the world does one have to beg to go to one’s own home? Where else in the world does one have to give up their identity for the sole reason of living somewhere else for a period of time? Imagine if an American living in Spain for a few years wanted to go home only to be told by the American government that their American Passport was revoked and that they wouldn’t be able to come back!
If I were a Jew living anywhere around the world and had no ties to the area and had never set foot there, I would have the right to go any time I wanted and get an Israeli Passport. In fact, the Israelis encourage that. I however, am not Jewish but I was born and raised there, my parents, family and friends still live there and I cannot go back! I am neither a criminal nor a threat to one of the most power countries in the world, yet I am alienated and expelled from my own home.
As it stands right now, I will be unable to go home – I am one of many.
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:42:14 AM
Subject: Denied the right to go home (text in e-mail)
June 21, 2008
I am Palestinian – born and raised – and my Palestinian roots go back centuries. No one can change that even if they tell me that Jerusalem, my birth place, is not Palestine, even if they tell me that Palestine doesn’t exist, even if they take away all my papers and deny me entry to my own home, even if they humiliate me and take away my rights. I AM PALESTINIAN.
Name: Zeina Emile Sam’an Ashrawi; Date of Birth: July 30, 1981; Ethnicity: Arab. This is what was written on my Jerusalem ID card. An ID card to a Palestinian is much more than just a piece of paper; it is my only legal documented relationship to Palestine. Born in Jerusalem, I was given a Jerusalem ID card (the blue ID), an Israeli Travel Document and a Jordanian Passport stamped Palestinian (I have no legal rights in Jordan). I do not have an Israeli Passport, a Palestinian Passport or an American Passport. Here is my story:
I came to the United States as a 17 year old to finish high school in Pennsylvania and went on to college and graduate school and subsequently got married and we are currently living in Northern Virginia. I have gone home every year at least once to see my parents, my family and my friends and to renew my Travel Document as I was only able to extend its validity once a year from Washington DC. My father and I would stand in line at the Israeli Ministry of Interior in Jerusalem, along with many other Palestinians, from 4:30 in the morning to try our luck at making it through the revolving metal doors of the Ministry before noon – when the Ministry closed its doors - to try and renew the Travel Document. We did that year after year. As a people living under an occupation, being faced with constant humiliation by an occupier was the norm but we did what we had to do to insure our identity was not stolen from us.
In August of 2007 I went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC to try and extend my travel document and get the usual “Returning Resident” VISA that the Israelis issue to Palestinians holding an Israeli Travel Document. After watching a few Americans and others being told that their visas would be ready in a couple of weeks my turn came. I walked up to the bulletproof glass window shielding the lady working behind it and under a massive picture of the Dome of the Rock and the Walls of Jerusalem that hangs on the wall in the Israeli consulate, I handed her my papers through a little slot at the bottom of the window.
“Shalom” she said with a smile. “Hi” I responded, apprehensive and scared. As soon as she saw my Travel Document her demeanor immediately changed. The smile was no longer there and there was very little small talk between us, as usual. After sifting through the paperwork I gave her she said: “where is your American Passport?” I explained to her that I did not have one and that my only Travel Document is the one she has in her hands. She was quiet for a few seconds and then said: “you don’t have an American Passport?” suspicious that I was hiding information from her. “No!” I said. She was quiet for a little longer and then said: “Well, I am not sure we’ll be able to extend your Travel Document.” I felt the blood rushing to my head as this is my only means to get home! I asked her what she meant by that and she went on to tell me that since I had been living in the US and because I had a Green Card they would not extend my Travel Document. After taking a deep breath to try and control my temper I explained to her that a Green Card is not a Passport and I cannot use it to travel outside the US. My voice was shaky and I was getting more and more upset (and a mini shouting match ensued) so I asked her to explain to me what I needed to do. She told me to leave my paperwork and we would see what happens.
A couple of weeks later I received a phone call from the lady telling me that she was able to extended my Travel Document but I would no longer be getting the “Returning Resident” VISA. Instead, I was given a 3 month tourist VISA. Initially I was happy to hear that the Travel Document was extended but then I realized that she said “tourist VISA”. Why am I getting a tourist VISA to go home? Not wanting to argue with her about the 3 month VISA at the time so as not to jeopardize the extension of my Travel Document, I simply put that bit of information on the back burner and went on to explain to her that I wasn’t going home in the next 3 months. She instructed me to come back and apply for another VISA when I did intend on going. She didn’t add much and just told me that it was ready for pick-up. So I went to the Embassy and got my Travel Document and the tourist VISA that was stamped in it.
My husband, my son and I were planning on going home to Palestine this summer. So a month before we were set to leave (July 8, 2008) I went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, papers in hand, to ask for a VISA to go home. I, again, stood in line and watched others get VISAs to go to my home. When my turn came I walked up to the window; “Shalom” she said with a smile on her face, “Hi” I replied. I slipped the paperwork in the little slot under the bulletproof glass and waited for the usual reaction. I told her that I needed a returning resident VISA to go home. She took the paperwork and I gave her a check for the amount she requested and left the Embassy without incident.
A few days ago I got a phone call from Dina at the Israeli Embassy telling me that she needed the expiration date of my Jordanian Passport and my Green Card. I had given them all the paperwork they needed time and time again and I thought it was a good way on their part to waste time so that I didn’t get my VISA in time. Regardless, I called over and over again only to get their voice mail. I left a message with the information they needed but kept called every 10 minutes hoping to speak to someone to make sure that they received the information in an effort to expedite the tedious process. I finally got a hold of someone. I told her that I wanted to make sure they received the information I left on their voice mail and that I wanted to make sure that my paperwork was in order. She said, after consulting with someone in the background (I assume it was Dina), that I needed to fax copies of both my Jordanian Passport and my Green Card and that giving them the information over the phone wasn’t acceptable. So I immediately made copies and faxed them to Dina.
A few hours later my cell phone rang. “Zeina?” she said. “Yes” I replied, knowing exactly who it was and immediately asked her if she received the fax I sent. She said: “ehhh, I was not looking at your file when you called earlier but your Visa was denied and your ID and Travel Document are no longer valid.” “Excuse me?” I said in disbelief. “Sorry, I cannot give you a visa and your ID and Travel Document are no longer valid. This decision came from Israel not from me.”
I cannot describe the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach. “Why?” I asked and Dina went on to tell me that it was because I had a Green Card. I tried to reason with Dina and to explain to her that they could not do that as this is my only means of travel home and that I wanted to see my parents, but to no avail. Dina held her ground and told me that I wouldn’t be given the VISA and then said: “Let the Americans give you a Travel Document”.
I have always been a strong person and not one to show weakness but at that moment I lost all control and started crying while Dina was on the other end of the line holding my only legal documents linking me to my home. I began to plead with her to try and get the VISA and not revoke my documents; “put yourself in my shoes, what would you do? You want to go see your family and someone is telling you that you can’t! What would you do? Forget that you’re Israeli and that I’m Palestinian and think about this for a minute!” “Sorry” she said,”I know but I can’t do anything, the decision came from Israel”. I tried to explain to her over and over again that I could not travel without my Travel Document and that they could not do that – knowing that they could, and they had!
This has been happening to many Palestinians who have a Jerusalem ID card. The Israeli government has been practicing and perfecting the art of ethnic cleansing since 1948 right under the nose of the world and no one has the power or the guts to do anything about it. Where else in the world does one have to beg to go to one’s own home? Where else in the world does one have to give up their identity for the sole reason of living somewhere else for a period of time? Imagine if an American living in Spain for a few years wanted to go home only to be told by the American government that their American Passport was revoked and that they wouldn’t be able to come back!
If I were a Jew living anywhere around the world and had no ties to the area and had never set foot there, I would have the right to go any time I wanted and get an Israeli Passport. In fact, the Israelis encourage that. I however, am not Jewish but I was born and raised there, my parents, family and friends still live there and I cannot go back! I am neither a criminal nor a threat to one of the most power countries in the world, yet I am alienated and expelled from my own home.
As it stands right now, I will be unable to go home – I am one of many.
Gaza Flotilla Testimonies
Jamal Elshayyal is a news producer for Aljazeera and was filming on the Marvi Marmara when the Israelis attacked :
Lindsey German is Convenor of the Stop the War Coalition :
Alex Harrison is a member of Free Gaza Movement and was part of the Gaza flotilla :
Laura is a housewife from North London. She was on the Marvi Marmara when the Israelis attacked :
Alexandra Lort-Phillips :
Osama Qashoo is a film maker and was founder of Free Gaza Movement. He was on the Marvi Marmara when the Israelis attacked :
Bernard Regan :
Ibrahim Musaji :
George Galloway's Conclusion
...The BBC = The Bush & Blair Corporation OR The British Bullshit Corporation (your choice!)
Lindsey German is Convenor of the Stop the War Coalition :
Alex Harrison is a member of Free Gaza Movement and was part of the Gaza flotilla :
Laura is a housewife from North London. She was on the Marvi Marmara when the Israelis attacked :
Alexandra Lort-Phillips :
Osama Qashoo is a film maker and was founder of Free Gaza Movement. He was on the Marvi Marmara when the Israelis attacked :
Bernard Regan :
Ibrahim Musaji :
George Galloway's Conclusion
...The BBC = The Bush & Blair Corporation OR The British Bullshit Corporation (your choice!)
A lunatic person writes to Norman Finkelstein
"Unreal !!!!!!
On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 1:50 PM, John Smith vfdima@hotmail.com wrote:
As an American Jew that came from Russia and who has personally experienced Anti-Semitism, I’m amazed at the complete nonsense that comes out of your mouth !!!! I have been to Israel many times (unlike you) and Israel is fighting Anti-Semitism that you have never experienced yourself and fighting for survival !!!!
You are just a liar and ugly and disgusting piece of shit !!!! Hamas and Hezbollah are Islamic terrorists and being friends (they kill thousands of civilians even their own) with them just speaks of your character !!!! Israel should nuke them all, I hope they will soon, at least Iran. It would be great if you were visiting Iran at that time J
Listen to this if you want to know the truth !!!!
Too bad Nazis did not kill your parents during Holocaust, they would not have such an evil child named Norman !!!!! You are a fucking disgrace to civilization !!!! Fuck you and suck my dick !!!!!!!!!!!!
On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 1:50 PM, John Smith vfdima@hotmail.com wrote:
As an American Jew that came from Russia and who has personally experienced Anti-Semitism, I’m amazed at the complete nonsense that comes out of your mouth !!!! I have been to Israel many times (unlike you) and Israel is fighting Anti-Semitism that you have never experienced yourself and fighting for survival !!!!
You are just a liar and ugly and disgusting piece of shit !!!! Hamas and Hezbollah are Islamic terrorists and being friends (they kill thousands of civilians even their own) with them just speaks of your character !!!! Israel should nuke them all, I hope they will soon, at least Iran. It would be great if you were visiting Iran at that time J
Listen to this if you want to know the truth !!!!
Too bad Nazis did not kill your parents during Holocaust, they would not have such an evil child named Norman !!!!! You are a fucking disgrace to civilization !!!! Fuck you and suck my dick !!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Open Letter re pro-Zionist Australian Government inaction over Israeli terrorism against Australians
The following Open Letter has been sent to the Australian Government and to Australian Mainstream Media and MPs because of the failure of the pro-war, pro-occupation, pro-Zionist Australian Labor Government to taken any meaningful action against Israeli terrorism, even when such terrorism is against Australian citizens e.g.
1. Massive Israeli theft of billions of dollars worth of property of Palestinian Australian citizens.
2. Israeli bombing of 25, 000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 (this including severe wounding Australian Defence Force Major Matina Jewell and the murdering of all of her UN Peacekeeper comrades).
3. Forging of Australian passports for use in terrorist atrocities (notably the recent Dubai assassination).
4. Most recently, the Israeli terrorist piracy against the Gaza Aid Flotilla ( an act of Piracy against Australians in International waters, tasering one, shooting another, and violently kidnapping, robbing and illegally imprisoning all 5 Australians as well as murderously assaulting, kidnapping and imprisoning 700 of their humanitarian colleagues, wounding 70 and murdering 9; 3 Israeli Australians were part of this criminal Israeli terrorist assault on Australians and others in International waters).
Open Letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Open letter to Australian PM Kevin Rudd, Deputy PM Julia Gillard, Attorney General Robert McClelland & Foreign Minister Stephen Smith re Israeli state terrorism against Australians.
It has been recently revealed that, despite prior rebuke, Israel has continued to routinely violate Australian sovereignty and border security by forging Australian passports for criminal and indeed terrorist purposes.
In return Australia has delivered a diplomatic slap on the wrist and no action has been taken against actual or potential Israeli-Australians directly involved in or otherwise supporting this terrorist criminality.
Indeed immediately after this latest outrage, the Australian Labor Government announced a $349 million defence deal with Apartheid Israel that effectively puts Australia-violating Israeli state terrorism at the heart of Australia’s defence.
Now Israeli state terrorists – including 3 Israeli-Australians - have murderously attacked 5 Australian citizens in an act of Piracy in International waters, tasering one, shooting another, and violently kidnapping, robbing and illegally imprisoning all 5 (as well as murderously assaulting, kidnapping and imprisoning 700 of their humanitarian colleagues, wounding 70 and murdering 9).
Detailed formal complaints about this latest atrocity and 50 other areas of Israeli state terrorism against Australia and sent to half a dozen officers of the Australian Federal Police have elicited only 2 replies, one asserting that no Commonwealth offences have been disclosed and referring me to Foreign Minister Smith.
The Australian Labor Government panders to war criminal, race-based Apartheid Israel, to what outstanding Jewish Israeli scholar Professor Avi Shlaim (Oxford University) has described as a nuclear terrorist rogue state, and in contrast disgracefully ignores the expert and humane advice of the numerous outstanding anti-racist Jewish scholars opposed to racist Zionism, preferring the advice of war criminal Israeli state terrorists and their racist Zionist supporters.
Zionist-funded Labor further put its obscene friendship with racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel before the interests of Australia when Israel was bombing 25,000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 (severely wounding Australian Defence Force Major Matina Jewell and murdering all of her UN Peacekeeper comrades).
Australian Labor Government preferment of racist Zionists and Israeli state terrorists who threaten Australia to outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish scholars and writers is egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (in addition to its egregious anti-Arab anti-Semitism) and an immense threat to all decent, anti-racist Jews in Australia and around the World.
Informed by anti-racist Jews Against Racist Zionism, responsible and patriotic Australians will demand rigorous Australian Government protection of Australia and Australians from Israeli state terrorism (and its traitorous Australian supporters) - and in the absence of such protection (surely a fundamental obligation of Government) will Dump the Australian Labor Party (aka the Apartheid Labor Party or the Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party) and Put Labor Last forever.
Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya Macleod, Melbourne, Victoria 3085 Australia.
By : Dr Gideon Polya
June Monday 14 2010
1. Massive Israeli theft of billions of dollars worth of property of Palestinian Australian citizens.
2. Israeli bombing of 25, 000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 (this including severe wounding Australian Defence Force Major Matina Jewell and the murdering of all of her UN Peacekeeper comrades).
3. Forging of Australian passports for use in terrorist atrocities (notably the recent Dubai assassination).
4. Most recently, the Israeli terrorist piracy against the Gaza Aid Flotilla ( an act of Piracy against Australians in International waters, tasering one, shooting another, and violently kidnapping, robbing and illegally imprisoning all 5 Australians as well as murderously assaulting, kidnapping and imprisoning 700 of their humanitarian colleagues, wounding 70 and murdering 9; 3 Israeli Australians were part of this criminal Israeli terrorist assault on Australians and others in International waters).
Open Letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Open letter to Australian PM Kevin Rudd, Deputy PM Julia Gillard, Attorney General Robert McClelland & Foreign Minister Stephen Smith re Israeli state terrorism against Australians.
It has been recently revealed that, despite prior rebuke, Israel has continued to routinely violate Australian sovereignty and border security by forging Australian passports for criminal and indeed terrorist purposes.
In return Australia has delivered a diplomatic slap on the wrist and no action has been taken against actual or potential Israeli-Australians directly involved in or otherwise supporting this terrorist criminality.
Indeed immediately after this latest outrage, the Australian Labor Government announced a $349 million defence deal with Apartheid Israel that effectively puts Australia-violating Israeli state terrorism at the heart of Australia’s defence.
Now Israeli state terrorists – including 3 Israeli-Australians - have murderously attacked 5 Australian citizens in an act of Piracy in International waters, tasering one, shooting another, and violently kidnapping, robbing and illegally imprisoning all 5 (as well as murderously assaulting, kidnapping and imprisoning 700 of their humanitarian colleagues, wounding 70 and murdering 9).
Detailed formal complaints about this latest atrocity and 50 other areas of Israeli state terrorism against Australia and sent to half a dozen officers of the Australian Federal Police have elicited only 2 replies, one asserting that no Commonwealth offences have been disclosed and referring me to Foreign Minister Smith.
The Australian Labor Government panders to war criminal, race-based Apartheid Israel, to what outstanding Jewish Israeli scholar Professor Avi Shlaim (Oxford University) has described as a nuclear terrorist rogue state, and in contrast disgracefully ignores the expert and humane advice of the numerous outstanding anti-racist Jewish scholars opposed to racist Zionism, preferring the advice of war criminal Israeli state terrorists and their racist Zionist supporters.
Zionist-funded Labor further put its obscene friendship with racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel before the interests of Australia when Israel was bombing 25,000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 (severely wounding Australian Defence Force Major Matina Jewell and murdering all of her UN Peacekeeper comrades).
Australian Labor Government preferment of racist Zionists and Israeli state terrorists who threaten Australia to outstanding, anti-racist, humanitarian Jewish scholars and writers is egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (in addition to its egregious anti-Arab anti-Semitism) and an immense threat to all decent, anti-racist Jews in Australia and around the World.
Informed by anti-racist Jews Against Racist Zionism, responsible and patriotic Australians will demand rigorous Australian Government protection of Australia and Australians from Israeli state terrorism (and its traitorous Australian supporters) - and in the absence of such protection (surely a fundamental obligation of Government) will Dump the Australian Labor Party (aka the Apartheid Labor Party or the Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party) and Put Labor Last forever.
Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya Macleod, Melbourne, Victoria 3085 Australia.
By : Dr Gideon Polya
June Monday 14 2010

Petition en Français
Petition in English
Solidarity with Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy is a writer and human rights activist well known in Italy and worldwide. She worked hard in recent times, denouncing the barbaric war (the so-called "Operation Green Hunt") against the indigenous people that the Indian government begun to expel them from their land and hand it to mining companies, that wish to exploit it so implementing a continental environmental devastation.
Arundhati Roy visited recently the land where the indigenous people live and resist, many of them in the ranks of the army of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), that for thirty years has worked in this area as wide as half of Europe and inhabited by one hundred million people.
On her return, she wrote a report, entitled Walking With The Comrades. The government of the Indian state Chhattisgarh says that with this writing Arundhati Roy has violated the Special Public Security Act, passed to prevent any voice of dissent and of support for people attacked by war. It is a measure providing tougher enforcement measures in a nation that has the highest number of political prisoners in the world, where prisoners are subjected to all kinds of harassment, violence, torture and where they live in conditions that lead them to death.
We express our support to Arundhati Roy and invite you to take any initiative of solidarity in defense against this latest attack by the Indian Government, and to mobilize against the war that the Indian government has started on the people of India, (Operation Green Hunt).
In particular, we join the initiative taken by ATIK, the Confederation of Turkish Workers in Europe, which started a petition online. We invite to sign the petition against the persecution of Arundhati Roy.
Zionists can threaten but can not intimidate me
WRITTEN BY Salim Nazzal –
Dr. Salim Nazzal is a Palestinian-Norwegian historian in the Middle East, who has written extensively on social and political issues in the region.
At the beginning I got “strange” e-mails which hinted towards assassination and the like. The Zionist character in these e-mails was obvious. I simply paid no attention. I know Zionists fear the voice of the victims. My voice is the voice of my people who were murdered and uprooted from their home country. My voice is the voice of my nation surrounded by cemented walls and 620 checks points. My family is an old Galilean family who fled to Lebanon after my village was severally attacked and bombed twice by Zionist planes. Several persons of my family were killed, and in Lebanon, I was born and brought up as a refugee without home, without rights, without a future, but with the hope that justice will prevail one day. The intimidation e-mails never stopped. And each time I changed my e-mail they continued to try to intimidate me in the new e-mail and sent viruses almost all the time my computer is on.
The same thing happened regarding my phone and my cell phone, where I used to get unknown phone calls at night very often. I had to change them and keep their numbers secret. My lawyer advised me to keep all suspicious e-mails as evidence for the police in case my lawyer takes the case to court.
Last summer I went with my family to Cyprus to spend one week vacation. I found out that they are following me even there. I did not believe myself unless I was sure of that. When we came home to Norway I found that the roses in the garden were cut and thrown on the ground, and a tree was half cut by a knife to be easily seen. Under the tree there was a lighter which I had never seen before. The lighter was obviously put there as a symbol of fire.
I informed the Norwegian police, and the Norwegian intelligence service. I also informed the academic circles, and the media in Norway and the world stating clearing that Zionists were behind this. I made it clear that if they aim to stop my voice they will for sure fail. My voice is the voice of the children I saw with their bodies torn out by the Israeli F16. My voice is the voice of all Palestinians who long to go back home and to be free and to live in peace. My voice is trying to convey the story of my nation who did no wrong to anybody, but who paid heavily with 61 years of the pain of exile, 41 years of occupation and injustice.
My voice is addressing the consciousness of humanity, regardless of faith or ideology, country or color. Because as Professor Howard Zinn taught us, we need to view the history of humans not only through wars and conflicts, but also through solidarity and care. For that reason I hate nobody except occupation and injustice. I believe in the coexistence between Palestinians and Jews in one democratic state where all can live in equality and peace away from the culture of hate and wars and conflicts. But I strongly doubt that this goal can be reached while the apartheid state of Israel is strong. Therefore the solution in my view is to delegitimize the apartheid state of Israel with the hope that this can occur peacefully and to construct a new society where Jews and Palestinians can live on equal footing.
One month ago I decided to stop writing articles because I needed time to work on a book. I am a historian in the first place and not a political analyst. But I was anxious that if I stopped writing they might think they had scared me. They for sure could not because I am too old to be scared, and too stubborn to be intimidated. And more, because I know that I defend the culture of peace and justice, and they defend the culture of war and occupation. The haters are too blind to see the beautiful picture of Palestine in the future, where the voices of prayers go in harmony to the sky from the synagogues, churches and mosques. This is my dream, which I share with all the oppressed Palestinians alongside all the peace and justice lovers on earth.
Dr. Salim Nazzal is a Palestinian-Norwegian historian in the Middle East, who has written extensively on social and political issues in the region.
At the beginning I got “strange” e-mails which hinted towards assassination and the like. The Zionist character in these e-mails was obvious. I simply paid no attention. I know Zionists fear the voice of the victims. My voice is the voice of my people who were murdered and uprooted from their home country. My voice is the voice of my nation surrounded by cemented walls and 620 checks points. My family is an old Galilean family who fled to Lebanon after my village was severally attacked and bombed twice by Zionist planes. Several persons of my family were killed, and in Lebanon, I was born and brought up as a refugee without home, without rights, without a future, but with the hope that justice will prevail one day. The intimidation e-mails never stopped. And each time I changed my e-mail they continued to try to intimidate me in the new e-mail and sent viruses almost all the time my computer is on.
The same thing happened regarding my phone and my cell phone, where I used to get unknown phone calls at night very often. I had to change them and keep their numbers secret. My lawyer advised me to keep all suspicious e-mails as evidence for the police in case my lawyer takes the case to court.
Last summer I went with my family to Cyprus to spend one week vacation. I found out that they are following me even there. I did not believe myself unless I was sure of that. When we came home to Norway I found that the roses in the garden were cut and thrown on the ground, and a tree was half cut by a knife to be easily seen. Under the tree there was a lighter which I had never seen before. The lighter was obviously put there as a symbol of fire.
I informed the Norwegian police, and the Norwegian intelligence service. I also informed the academic circles, and the media in Norway and the world stating clearing that Zionists were behind this. I made it clear that if they aim to stop my voice they will for sure fail. My voice is the voice of the children I saw with their bodies torn out by the Israeli F16. My voice is the voice of all Palestinians who long to go back home and to be free and to live in peace. My voice is trying to convey the story of my nation who did no wrong to anybody, but who paid heavily with 61 years of the pain of exile, 41 years of occupation and injustice.
My voice is addressing the consciousness of humanity, regardless of faith or ideology, country or color. Because as Professor Howard Zinn taught us, we need to view the history of humans not only through wars and conflicts, but also through solidarity and care. For that reason I hate nobody except occupation and injustice. I believe in the coexistence between Palestinians and Jews in one democratic state where all can live in equality and peace away from the culture of hate and wars and conflicts. But I strongly doubt that this goal can be reached while the apartheid state of Israel is strong. Therefore the solution in my view is to delegitimize the apartheid state of Israel with the hope that this can occur peacefully and to construct a new society where Jews and Palestinians can live on equal footing.
One month ago I decided to stop writing articles because I needed time to work on a book. I am a historian in the first place and not a political analyst. But I was anxious that if I stopped writing they might think they had scared me. They for sure could not because I am too old to be scared, and too stubborn to be intimidated. And more, because I know that I defend the culture of peace and justice, and they defend the culture of war and occupation. The haters are too blind to see the beautiful picture of Palestine in the future, where the voices of prayers go in harmony to the sky from the synagogues, churches and mosques. This is my dream, which I share with all the oppressed Palestinians alongside all the peace and justice lovers on earth.
Les sionistes peuvent me menacer mais ils ne peuvent pas m’intimider
Par Salim Nazzal
Le docteur Salim Nazzal est palestinien-norvégien et historien sur le Moyen Orient. Il a beaucoup écrit sur les questions sociales et politiques dans la région.
Au début, j’ai reçu des e-mails « étranges » qui faisaient allusions à un assassinat, etc. Le caractère sioniste de ces e-mails était évident. Je n’y ai pas prêté attention. Je sais que les sionistes craignent la voix des victimes. Ma voix est la voix de mon peuple qui a été assassiné et déraciné de sa patrie. Ma voix est la voix de ma nation encerclée par des murs et 620 checkpoints. Ma famille est une vieille famille galiléenne qui a fui au Liban après que mon village ait été attaqué et bombardé deux fois par l’aviation sioniste.
Plusieurs de mes proches ont été tués et je suis né et j’ai grandi au Liban comme un réfugié sans maison, sans droit, sans avenir, mais avec l’espoir qu’un jour, justice serait rendue. Les e-mails d’intimidation n’ont jamais cessé. Et chaque fois que j’ai changé d’adresse électronique, ils ont continué à essayer de m’intimider dans un nouvel e-mail et à envoyer des virus presque chaque fois que mon ordinateur était allumé.
La même chose s'est produite avec mon téléphone et mon portable, et très souvent, la nuit, j’ai reçu des appels inconnus. J’en ai changé et j’ai gardé secrets leurs numéros. Mon avocat m’a conseillé de garder tous les e-mails suspects comme preuves pour la police, au cas où je porterais plainte.
L’été dernier, je suis allée avec ma famille passer une semaine de vacances à Chypre. J’ai découvert que même là, ils me suivaient. Je n’arrivais pas à le croire, avant d’en être sûr. Lorsque je suis rentré chez moi en Norvège, j’ai trouvé les roses du jardin coupées et jetées par terre, et un arbre à moitié coupé au couteau. Sous l’arbre, il y avait un briquet que je n’avais jamais vu avant. Il était à l’évidence posé là comme symbole du feu.
J’ai informé la police et les renseignements norvégiens. J’ai également informé les cercles universitaires et les médias norvégiens, et le monde, affirmant que les sionistes étaient derrière tout ça. J’ai clairement dit qu’ils voulaient me faire taire, ils étaient sûrs d’échouer. Ma voix est la voix des enfants dont j’ai vu les corps déchiquetés par les F16 israéliens. Ma voix est la voix de tous les Palestiniens qui aspirent à rentrer chez eux, être libres et vivre en paix. Ma voix essaie de transmettre l’histoire de ma nation qui n’a fait de mal à personne, mais qui paie un lourd tribut, avec 61 ans d’exil, 41 ans d’occupation et d’injustice.
Ma voix s’adresse à la conscience de l’humanité, indépendamment de la foi ou de l’idéologie, du pays ou de la couleur. Parce que, comme nous l’a enseigné le professeur Howard Zinn, nous devons voir l’histoire des êtres humains non seulement au travers des guerres et des conflits, mais aussi au travers de la solidarité et de l’attention. C’est pour cette raison que je ne hais personne, sauf l’occupation et l’injustice. Je crois en la coexistence entre Palestiniens et juifs dans un Etat démocratique où tous vivraient dans l’égalité et la paix, loin de la culture de la haine et des guerres et des conflits. Mais je doute fort que cet objectif puisse être atteint alors que l’Etat d’Israël d’apartheid est fort. C’est pourquoi, à mon avis, la solution est de délégitimer l’Etat d’apartheid israélien dans l’espoir que ceci puisse arriver pacifiquement, et de construire une nouvelle société où les juifs et les Palestiniens vivraient sur un pied d’égalité.
Il y a un mois, j’ai décidé de ne plus écrire d’articles parce que j’avais besoin de temps pour travailler sur un livre. Je suis d’abord historien, et non analyste politique. Mais je craignais que si j’arrêtais d’écrire, ils pensent qu’ils m’avaient fait peur. Ils ne peuvent pas parce que je suis trop vieux pour avoir peur, et trop têtu pour être intimidé. Et plus encore, parce que je sais que je défends la culture de la paix et de la justice, et qu’ils défendent la culture de la guerre et de l’occupation. Ceux qui haïssent sont trop aveugles pour voir la belle image de la Palestine de l’avenir, où les voix des fidèles montent harmonieusement vers le ciel, depuis les synagogues, les églises et les mosquées. C’est mon rêve, que je partage avec tous les Palestiniens opprimés, aux côtés de tous ceux qui aiment la paix et la justice sur terre.
Le docteur Salim Nazzal est palestinien-norvégien et historien sur le Moyen Orient. Il a beaucoup écrit sur les questions sociales et politiques dans la région.
Au début, j’ai reçu des e-mails « étranges » qui faisaient allusions à un assassinat, etc. Le caractère sioniste de ces e-mails était évident. Je n’y ai pas prêté attention. Je sais que les sionistes craignent la voix des victimes. Ma voix est la voix de mon peuple qui a été assassiné et déraciné de sa patrie. Ma voix est la voix de ma nation encerclée par des murs et 620 checkpoints. Ma famille est une vieille famille galiléenne qui a fui au Liban après que mon village ait été attaqué et bombardé deux fois par l’aviation sioniste.
Plusieurs de mes proches ont été tués et je suis né et j’ai grandi au Liban comme un réfugié sans maison, sans droit, sans avenir, mais avec l’espoir qu’un jour, justice serait rendue. Les e-mails d’intimidation n’ont jamais cessé. Et chaque fois que j’ai changé d’adresse électronique, ils ont continué à essayer de m’intimider dans un nouvel e-mail et à envoyer des virus presque chaque fois que mon ordinateur était allumé.
La même chose s'est produite avec mon téléphone et mon portable, et très souvent, la nuit, j’ai reçu des appels inconnus. J’en ai changé et j’ai gardé secrets leurs numéros. Mon avocat m’a conseillé de garder tous les e-mails suspects comme preuves pour la police, au cas où je porterais plainte.
L’été dernier, je suis allée avec ma famille passer une semaine de vacances à Chypre. J’ai découvert que même là, ils me suivaient. Je n’arrivais pas à le croire, avant d’en être sûr. Lorsque je suis rentré chez moi en Norvège, j’ai trouvé les roses du jardin coupées et jetées par terre, et un arbre à moitié coupé au couteau. Sous l’arbre, il y avait un briquet que je n’avais jamais vu avant. Il était à l’évidence posé là comme symbole du feu.
J’ai informé la police et les renseignements norvégiens. J’ai également informé les cercles universitaires et les médias norvégiens, et le monde, affirmant que les sionistes étaient derrière tout ça. J’ai clairement dit qu’ils voulaient me faire taire, ils étaient sûrs d’échouer. Ma voix est la voix des enfants dont j’ai vu les corps déchiquetés par les F16 israéliens. Ma voix est la voix de tous les Palestiniens qui aspirent à rentrer chez eux, être libres et vivre en paix. Ma voix essaie de transmettre l’histoire de ma nation qui n’a fait de mal à personne, mais qui paie un lourd tribut, avec 61 ans d’exil, 41 ans d’occupation et d’injustice.
Ma voix s’adresse à la conscience de l’humanité, indépendamment de la foi ou de l’idéologie, du pays ou de la couleur. Parce que, comme nous l’a enseigné le professeur Howard Zinn, nous devons voir l’histoire des êtres humains non seulement au travers des guerres et des conflits, mais aussi au travers de la solidarité et de l’attention. C’est pour cette raison que je ne hais personne, sauf l’occupation et l’injustice. Je crois en la coexistence entre Palestiniens et juifs dans un Etat démocratique où tous vivraient dans l’égalité et la paix, loin de la culture de la haine et des guerres et des conflits. Mais je doute fort que cet objectif puisse être atteint alors que l’Etat d’Israël d’apartheid est fort. C’est pourquoi, à mon avis, la solution est de délégitimer l’Etat d’apartheid israélien dans l’espoir que ceci puisse arriver pacifiquement, et de construire une nouvelle société où les juifs et les Palestiniens vivraient sur un pied d’égalité.
Il y a un mois, j’ai décidé de ne plus écrire d’articles parce que j’avais besoin de temps pour travailler sur un livre. Je suis d’abord historien, et non analyste politique. Mais je craignais que si j’arrêtais d’écrire, ils pensent qu’ils m’avaient fait peur. Ils ne peuvent pas parce que je suis trop vieux pour avoir peur, et trop têtu pour être intimidé. Et plus encore, parce que je sais que je défends la culture de la paix et de la justice, et qu’ils défendent la culture de la guerre et de l’occupation. Ceux qui haïssent sont trop aveugles pour voir la belle image de la Palestine de l’avenir, où les voix des fidèles montent harmonieusement vers le ciel, depuis les synagogues, les églises et les mosquées. C’est mon rêve, que je partage avec tous les Palestiniens opprimés, aux côtés de tous ceux qui aiment la paix et la justice sur terre.
Wael Abbas on BBC
Do bloggers have any influence in changing authoritarian regimes? Egyptian Blogger, Journalist, and activist Wael Abbas is a thorn in the side of the government and got month a million people read his blog. but is he just gaining celebrity status, or is he making a real difference?
Double Standards again & again : Why is Mubarak "a friend and an ally" while Ahmedinejad is a tyrant ?
Pourquoi Moubarak est-il considéré comme l'allié et l'ami, quand Ahmedinejad est "un tyran" ?

Neda, Iranian martyr

Khaled Said, Egyptian martyr

30 years of tyranny.
30 années de tyrannie.

Neda, Iranian martyr

Khaled Said, Egyptian martyr

30 years of tyranny.
30 années de tyrannie.
Libellés :
Human Rights,
Khaled Said,
Lunatic soldiers serving a lunatif army in a lunatic state. Israel crimes

Rachel Corrie. Killed on March 16, 2003 when she was crushed by a bulldozer on the Gaza Strip. http://www.rachelcorrie.org/
Rachel Corrie, tuée le 16 mars 2003 par un bulldozer israélien, dans la bande de Gaza, Palestine Occupée.

Tristan Anderson, 38, had three brain operations after being shot in the head with a high-velocity tear gas canister by Israeli security forces on 13 March 2009.
Anderson, who survived with major brain damage, was in the West Bank village of Nilin, protesting with Palestinian farmers against the construction of Israel's "separation wall".
Tristan Anderson, 38 ans. Il a subi 3 opérations du cerveau après que des soldats israéliens ont lancé une grenade lacrymogène sur sa tête. Anderson, qui a survécu, souffre de graves séquelles au cerveau (lobe frontal endommagé). Il manifestait pacifiquement avec des paysans palestiniens contre la construction du mur de séparation à Nilin, en Cisjordanie.

James Miller,a Welsh cameraman, producer, and director, and recipient of numerous awards, including five Emmy Awards. Killed in 2003, he was 34. He was in Rafah while making a documentary for a US cable channel. An autopsy confirmed he was almost certainly killed by an Israeli soldier, despite the army's assertions to the contrary. Video evidence clearly showed Miller and his team carrying white flags and shouting to Israeli soldiers that they were British journalists.
James Miller est un caméraman, producteur et réalisateur gallois. Il a gagné plusieurs récompenses pour son travail (dont 5 Emmy Awards). Il a été assassiné en 2003 alors qu'il avait 34 ans. James Miller effectuait un documentaire à Rafah pour une chaîne cablée américaine. Une autopsie a confirmé qu'il a été tué par un soldat israélien, malgré les affirmations israéliennes. Les preuves filmées montrent clairement que James Miller et son équipe portaient des drapeaux blancs et criaient aux soldats israéliens qu'ils étaient des journalistes britanniques.

Tom Hurndall was in a coma for nine months after being shot in the head by an Israeli sniper.
He died January 13, 2004. http://www.tomhurndall.co.uk/
Tom Hurndall est resté 9 mois dans le coma après qu'un sniper israélien a visé sa tête. Il est mort le 13 janvier 2004.

Brian Avery (born 1979) is an American who, while volunteering for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in the West Bank town of Jenin, was shot in the face by Israeli Defense Forces on April 5, 2003. The shooting, which was unprovoked and did not occur in the context of any apparent hostilities, caused Avery to suffer permanent disfigurement.
Brian Avery et un citoyen américain. Alors qu'il effectuait une mission civile avec l'International Solidarity Movement en Cisjordanie, à Jénine, il a été la cible de plusieurs tirs dans le visage par des soldats israéliens en patrouille (le 5 avril 2003). Les tirs, qui ne résultaient d'aucune provocation et qui ne se sont pas produits dans un contexte d'hostilités, ont défiguré le visage de Brian Avery, qui a subi de nombreuses et coûteuses opérations.

May 31, 2010. US citizen Emily Henochowicz was shot directly in the face with a tear gas canister as she non-violently demonstrated against the Flotilla massacre. She lost her left eye.
Emily Henochowicz est une citoyenne américaine. Alors qu'elle manifestait de manière non-violente en solidarité avec "la flotille de la liberté", des soldats israéliens lui ont envoyé une grenade lacrymogène directement dans le visage. Elle a perdu son oeil gauche.
Click here fore more.
Gaza: The Killing Zone
La France raciste
Le Conseil de l'Europe s'inquiète de la persistance des discriminations raciales en France. Rapport.
Emily Henochowicz
Emily is a student at the Cooper Union (Manhattan). She lost her eye after being shot in the face with tear gas canister by Israeli soldiers, while she was peacefully demonstrating.
Emily est étudiante à la Cooper Union (Manhattan). Elle a perdu un oeil, après que des soldats israéliens lui ont jeté directement sur le visage une grenade lacrymogène, alors qu'elle manifestait pacifiquement.
If you want to show support & discover her artwork, here is her blog :
Si vous souhaitez lui manifester votre soutien & découvrir ses oeuvres, voici son blog :
Emily est étudiante à la Cooper Union (Manhattan). Elle a perdu un oeil, après que des soldats israéliens lui ont jeté directement sur le visage une grenade lacrymogène, alors qu'elle manifestait pacifiquement.

If you want to show support & discover her artwork, here is her blog :
Si vous souhaitez lui manifester votre soutien & découvrir ses oeuvres, voici son blog :
Fraternisation populaire algéro-égyptienne au passage de Rafah : La caravane d'aide algérienne est entrée à Ghaza
Ils sont entrés ! Après une longue attente devant le passage de Rafah, où une caravane populaire égyptienne était déjà bloquée, la caravane algérienne de la « fidélité aux martyrs de la flottille » est rentrée, samedi après-midi, à Ghaza. La caravane d'aide algérienne qui apportait des fournitures médicales pour Ghaza (7 tonnes de médicaments, deux tonnes de lait pour enfants et des équipements pour la cardiologie, l'hémodialyse et de radiologie demandés par les hôpitaux palestiniens) était, hier, à Ghaza.
Après de longues tractations, les autorités égyptiennes ont permis à la délégation algérienne composée de 16 personnes, parlementaires, journalistes et associatifs, de pénétrer dans le territoire soumis à un blocus indigne. La délégation algérienne a été accueillie par des responsables du Hamas et des députés du Conseil national palestinien, dont Sami Abou Zahri, le porte-parole du Hamas. Une conférence de presse devait être organisée au siège du Conseil national palestinien où la délégation algérienne devait se rendre. La « caravane de la fidélité aux martyrs de la Flottille de la Liberté » a pu, en définitive, entrer dans le territoire après le déblocage de la situation.
Avant cette issue heureuse, la caravane algérienne a pu constater qu'il y avait des tendances contradictoires au sein du pouvoir égyptien qui a officiellement ouvert le passage de Rafah après le carnage commis par les Israéliens contre les humanitaires qui ont essayé de briser le blocus de Ghaza.
Avant son arrivée vendredi à Ghaza où elle a fait face à un « interdit » d'entrée à Ghaza, la caravane algérienne avait reçu toutes les facilités possibles de la part des autorités égyptiennes. Il est vrai également - et c'est cela qui a indigné les Algériens - que les organisateurs de la caravane algérienne avaient pris préalablement toutes les dispositions et acquis toutes les autorisations. Ils ont été surpris par le changement d'attitude des autorités égyptiennes qui ont signifié à la délégation que seules trois personnes pouvaient rentrer à Ghaza et sans les aides apportées. Une attitude incompréhensible et qui, c'est le moins que l'on puisse en dire, témoigne de l'existence de courants opposés au sein du pouvoir égyptien au sujet de la levée du blocus contre Ghaza.
La caravane algérienne était d'autant plus indignée qu'il y avait eu, préalablement, une coordination avec l'ambassade d'Algérie au Caire qui a obtenu toutes les autorisations nécessaires. Les aides médicales avaient été achetées au Caire et la caravane algérienne avait coordonné son action avec le Croissant rouge égyptien. La caravane algérienne était arrivée vendredi à la ville d'El Arrich où il y a eu des scènes de fraternisation entre Egyptiens et Algériens. Le parcours de la caravane s'est passé sans encombre, sur une distance de 400 km.
Une célérité « sans précédent »
Les autorités administratives et sécuritaires égyptiennes avaient fait preuve à l'égard de la caravane algérienne d'une célérité, qualifiée de « sans précédent », par des militants égyptiens anti-blocus. A Rafah, où la caravane algérienne a trouvé une caravane populaire égyptienne déjà bloquée et empêchée de pénétrer à Ghaza. De nouvelles scènes de fraternisation ont eu lieu avec levée des drapeaux algérien et égyptien à l'entrée du passage de Rafah.
Les membres de la caravane égyptienne avaient organisé un sit-in sur place pour protester contre l'interdiction d'entrée à Ghaza. Des médias égyptiens ont rapporté, sur la base de « sources sécuritaires », que ce serait la partie palestinienne qui a refusé d'accepter l'arrivée de la caravane. Ce refus aurait été motivé par les « préparatifs à la venue à Ghaza du secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, M. Amr Moussa ». Une assertion démentie par les responsables du Hamas à Ghaza.
Par M. Saadoune
Source : Le Quotidien d'Oran
Après de longues tractations, les autorités égyptiennes ont permis à la délégation algérienne composée de 16 personnes, parlementaires, journalistes et associatifs, de pénétrer dans le territoire soumis à un blocus indigne. La délégation algérienne a été accueillie par des responsables du Hamas et des députés du Conseil national palestinien, dont Sami Abou Zahri, le porte-parole du Hamas. Une conférence de presse devait être organisée au siège du Conseil national palestinien où la délégation algérienne devait se rendre. La « caravane de la fidélité aux martyrs de la Flottille de la Liberté » a pu, en définitive, entrer dans le territoire après le déblocage de la situation.
Avant cette issue heureuse, la caravane algérienne a pu constater qu'il y avait des tendances contradictoires au sein du pouvoir égyptien qui a officiellement ouvert le passage de Rafah après le carnage commis par les Israéliens contre les humanitaires qui ont essayé de briser le blocus de Ghaza.
Avant son arrivée vendredi à Ghaza où elle a fait face à un « interdit » d'entrée à Ghaza, la caravane algérienne avait reçu toutes les facilités possibles de la part des autorités égyptiennes. Il est vrai également - et c'est cela qui a indigné les Algériens - que les organisateurs de la caravane algérienne avaient pris préalablement toutes les dispositions et acquis toutes les autorisations. Ils ont été surpris par le changement d'attitude des autorités égyptiennes qui ont signifié à la délégation que seules trois personnes pouvaient rentrer à Ghaza et sans les aides apportées. Une attitude incompréhensible et qui, c'est le moins que l'on puisse en dire, témoigne de l'existence de courants opposés au sein du pouvoir égyptien au sujet de la levée du blocus contre Ghaza.
La caravane algérienne était d'autant plus indignée qu'il y avait eu, préalablement, une coordination avec l'ambassade d'Algérie au Caire qui a obtenu toutes les autorisations nécessaires. Les aides médicales avaient été achetées au Caire et la caravane algérienne avait coordonné son action avec le Croissant rouge égyptien. La caravane algérienne était arrivée vendredi à la ville d'El Arrich où il y a eu des scènes de fraternisation entre Egyptiens et Algériens. Le parcours de la caravane s'est passé sans encombre, sur une distance de 400 km.
Une célérité « sans précédent »
Les autorités administratives et sécuritaires égyptiennes avaient fait preuve à l'égard de la caravane algérienne d'une célérité, qualifiée de « sans précédent », par des militants égyptiens anti-blocus. A Rafah, où la caravane algérienne a trouvé une caravane populaire égyptienne déjà bloquée et empêchée de pénétrer à Ghaza. De nouvelles scènes de fraternisation ont eu lieu avec levée des drapeaux algérien et égyptien à l'entrée du passage de Rafah.
Les membres de la caravane égyptienne avaient organisé un sit-in sur place pour protester contre l'interdiction d'entrée à Ghaza. Des médias égyptiens ont rapporté, sur la base de « sources sécuritaires », que ce serait la partie palestinienne qui a refusé d'accepter l'arrivée de la caravane. Ce refus aurait été motivé par les « préparatifs à la venue à Ghaza du secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, M. Amr Moussa ». Une assertion démentie par les responsables du Hamas à Ghaza.
Par M. Saadoune
Source : Le Quotidien d'Oran
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